Hi {{lead.First Name:default=edit me}},

Working in the greater Los Angeles area grants you access to same-day, fresh leukopaks from Sanguine’s first apheresis collection site.

You can leverage our 70,000+ research-ready participant network to obtain leukocyte-enriched apheresis products (leukopaks) from patients with confirmed disease or healthy donors. Customers tell us leukopaks are a game changer for their research by:
  • Improving the accuracy of process development parameters
  • Streamlining assay development and validations
  • Addressing rare cell abundance issues
How would up to 10 billion PBMCs from a single donor delivered locally same-day from our LA site–plus clinical annotation, HLA typing, demographics, and test results–bolster your therapy development program?

Please check out our leukopaks page to learn how you can leverage our unique patient-centric approach to biospecimen procurement or hit reply to contact me directly.

Warm regards,

Brian Neman
CEO and Co-Founder
Sanguine Biosciences | Massachusetts
