Hi {{lead.First Name:default=edit me}},

You can leverage our 70,000+ research-ready participant network to obtain leukocyte-enriched apheresis products (leukopaks) from patients with confirmed disease or healthy donors. Customers tell us leukopaks are a game changer for their research by:

  • Improving the accuracy of process development parameters
  • Reducing variability among donor PBMCs
  • Addressing rare cell abundance issues

How would up to 10 billion PBMCs from a single donor–plus clinical annotation, HLA typing, demographics, and test results–bolster your therapy development program?

Please check out our leukopaks page to learn how you can leverage our unique patient-centric approach to biospecimen procurement or hit reply to contact me directly.

Warm regards,

Brian Neman
CEO and Co-Founder
Sanguine Biosciences | Massachusetts
