Researchers FAQ

Researchers FAQ

Partnering with Sanguine

We exclusively recruit donors that reside within the United States. We have, however, partnered with organizations all over the world to provide collections.

We use Advarra and WCG IRB for Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review and approval of all study protocols, specific study documentation, and donor-facing information. These organizations operate in compliance with FDA, OHRP, and International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). We operate under an electronic informed consent process which executes 21 CFR part 11 compliant e-signatures. Our systems interacting with study participants are HIPAA-compliant, and we have three ISO certifications: ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and ISO 9001. More information can be found here on our quality and compliance.

We tier our pricing based on the prevalence of the condition and the I/E criteria. Pricing starts at $30/mL including start-up fees. Minimum collection volume applies.

Your Account Executive will walk you through the study design process. Once that is complete, our feasibility team will review the design and determine if we can indeed achieve what you need. There are times when a revision is necessary and in rare cases, we will not be able to accommodate your project. We rely on our experience in this field and pride ourselves on a track record of 93%+ studies delivered to plan. Learn more about feasibility in this blog.

Our Donor Network

We use several approaches for recruiting donors for a study depending upon our existing community, the therapeutic area, and I/E criteria. Some of the methods we use are partnering with non-profit organizations and patient advocacy groups, social media outreach, and online advertising.

Explore our current Donor Community. Please note, we continue to add new conditions to our growing list of over 100.

Yes! Our donors are always compensated for their participation. Compensation varies depending upon the type(s) of sample(s) being collected.

We consider donors healthy when they are generally well and have no underlying chronic conditions nor current infectious disease. Healthy donors may have conditions such as acne, allergies, and rosacea.

Study Design, Samples, Data, and Logistics

We collect minimally-invasive samples. Many sample collections are performed in donors’ homes with the exception of our apheresis collections which are performed at apheresis sites across the country. Explore more about the types of biospecimens we collect here.

Yes! We have a large healthy donor population and can recruit healthy donors with similar demographics to your experimental group.

We retrieve electronic health records (EMR) for all disease-state samples. These records include demographics, healthcare encounters, medications, and lab results. In addition, with our direct-to-donor model, we often can ask for customized patient-reported outcomes (PRO). Learn more about our comprehensive donor data here.

Prospective in-home collections

We adhere to the rules established by governing bodies that dictate how much blood a donor can provide within a 6-week period. Often donors can provide 180 mL of whole blood, but certain conditions limit the amount of blood to as low as 60 mL.

Yes! We have different buffers and tubes to choose from including RNApax and DNApax tubes. We can also source the specific material outlined during the study design for your project.

Once your study is initiated, you will have a dedicated project manager to serve as your point of contact throughout the project.

Although each study is unique, clients typically receive the first samples 30 days after the study kick-off meeting.

You will have access to Sanguine’s Researcher Portal which will provide you real-time information on donor recruitment, sample collection, and delivery.

Samples are shipped ambient, on ice packs, or dry ice depending on your preference and the sample stability. Samples are shipped the same day of collection either to you or to our lab for further processing or storage. We do have same-day delivery available in certain metropolitan areas.

Contact your dedicated project manager immediately to determine next steps.

Absolutely! We have a comprehensive suite of lab services including infectious disease testing, HLA-typing, and cytokine quantification.

Almost immediately post collection. Our phlebotomists bring a centrifuge with them for collection. Once the whole blood is collected, the plasma can be immediately centrifuged by gradient separation. For serum collection, the centrifugation happens 30-45 minutes after collection to allow the blood to clot.